Central Administration Building 
3607 Rivera Ave., 79905
First Floor
(915) 465-1191 Ext. 260, 262, 263, 264 & 243

Homelessness Prevention and Recovery

Project Vida values the role decent and consistent housing plays into an individuals wellness and the health of the community. When families are struggling to afford their current housing or need to find supportive housing, Project Vida can help provide options or direction to other programs. These programs are part of the Coordinated Entry System. If you think you and your family could benefit from housing services, please call (915) 500-1011. The Coordinated Entry System will complete an assessment of need and urgency, and will connect people to relevant services.

For more information on the parts of the Homelessness Prevention and Recovery program, click on each of the headings bellow.

"Roots & wings" Permanent Supportive Housing

Families in the program are homeless for a variety of reasons. Features of the "Roots & Wings" Permanent Supportive Housing include:

  • 6-apartment, single-level complex for chronically homeless families with one or more members who have a mental/or physical disability.

  • Monthly rent for each eligible family is paid by HUD to Project Vida for every 12-month period the family chooses to remain at "Roots & Wings."

  • Individualized family case management with referrals to Project Vida programs and community resources as needed for all family members.

  • Adjacent to Project Vida's main offices, "Roots & Wings" provides families with easy access to primary and behavioral health care, the Early Childhood Development Center, and after-school child care and enrichment activities.


Short-term deposit, rent for homeless families and individuals in El Paso City to help secure permanent housing and prevent longer-term homelessness. This is a short-term program, and other options may need to be explored for long-term solutions.


Short-term rent for families at risk of facing eviction, in order to stabilize the living situation, keep families in their residence, and prevent homelessness, for families living within El Paso City. This is a short-term program, and other options may need to be explored for long-term solutions.

For more information, call the Rivera office at (915) 465-1191 Ext. 260, 262, 263, 264 & 243 or send an email to m.miranda@pvida.net

Roots & Wings Transitional Living Center Apartment