COVID-19 Vaccination

Project Vida Health Center provides COVID-19 vaccine for ages 18 and over. Moderna’s 1st and 2nd doses are available at this time. Walk-ins are available,

Monday- Friday
8 am-11 am or 1 pm- 4 pm.

For questions or more information contact

Erin Villareal



Tyto Care Home, is a technology service utilized to connect from the comfort of home directly to a provider in one of our clinics when patients make appointments. This technology allows the dorcor to check eyes, nose ears,lungs and heart remotely.

Chronic Care Coordinators will set up the appointment to provide the device and educate in the use of the device. This device is free of cost but the doctor's appointments will be charged under the regular discount or copayment insurance.

For more information

For more information or questions about the program or classes please contact

Abril Santiesteban ,