Central Administration Building 
3607 Rivera Ave.
Second Floor
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
(915) 533-7057, Ext. 475, 486, or 490.

Support Group

Well-being support group sessions create a safe environment for participants to learn how to take control of and improve their overall health and wellness. Group discussions encourage participants to share with each other as they learn to take greater responsibility for balancing body, mind and spirit. The support group offers opportunities to participate in mindful activities which create a deeper and holistic awareness of body, mind and spirit. Sharing these experiences with the group and consciously engaging in lifestyle choices leads to greater health and wellness. 
This group was originally created to act as a long-term continuation for people finishing other health-management classes, however it has transformed into a group for anyone looking to keep up with their pursuit for overall wellness. It is meant to further Project Vida’s value of sustainable community change.

What we do

In this group, the topics of each class are largely decided on by the people in the class, to reflect their needs and interest. These topics are not just around physical health! Depending on the lesson for that day, the class is either taught by a Project Vida chronic care coordinator or an outside organization or individual with background in the topic. Some topics in the past have included: mental health, finances, social wellness, bank systems, legal topics, preventing identity theft, among many other themes.

In each class, a general framework is followed:

  1. Screenings of Health: This includes BMI, blood pressure, and glucose levels. This is meant to help support people who are on a journey of physical wellness.

  2. Topic Discussion and Lesson: The specific lesson of that day, based around a variety of topics. This includes bringing in outside speakers as well as continuing to learn about how one can pursue their own wellness.

  3. Physical Activity: A fun and accessible physical activity, such as Yoga or Zumba, is done with every class. The activity is always done in a way that allows for people of all fitness levels to have a productive but doable workout.

Joining our class

This class is available to everyone in the El Paso community, regardless or not if an individual has completed a previous Project Vida class. However, people are often referred to this class upon finishing another short-term program, or by other departments of Project Vida, as part of the integrated care approach.

If you are interested in coming to a class, please feel free to call and ask for more information, at (915) 533-7057, extensions 475, 486, or 490.
You may also send an email to


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